Jocelyn L. Travis

Jocelyn L. Travis

Sierra Club

Jocelyn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Alabama State University and a Master’s of Public Administration from Cleveland State University. She is excited to serve as a member of the Ohio Climate Justice Fund Team to make a help make a difference in communities of color throughout Ohio. 

Jocelyn is an Organizing Manager for the Sierra Club, responsible for leading a team of amazing environmentalists. Her Sierra Club activities include leadership of the Black Acton Team, BIPOC Affinity Group, Volunteer Accountability Reform Committee, National Organizing Trainer and chair of the Ohio Energy Table’s Equity Team.  She is passionate about voting rights and a lifelong community activist involved in many organizations on the local, state and national level. Her past involvement includes: League of Women Voters Ohio Board, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner’s Voting Rights Team, Director of OhioVotes, Ohio Director of Election Protection for People for the American Way Campaign and has served on the national, state and local levels of the NAACP. She is studying to become a Registered Parliamentarian and serves as Vice President of the North Coast Unit of Parliamentarians in Cleveland, Ohio.

Jocelyn’s daughter Attorney Joi L Travis resides in Birmingham, Alabama.